Ryan Marcinkevich began his martial arts journey over 15 years ago when he quickly began collecting knowledge in MMA, kickboxing, boxing, and jiu-jitsu. As a lifelong athlete, Ryan naturally fell in love with competition and racked up wins in every branch of martial arts he explored. As a former Colorado resident, Ryan discovered our gym when he came home to visit family, which soon led to Ryan ultimately deciding to relocate to NEPA permanently. He dedicated himself to Pride Lands shortly after making the move and has been with us since. Ryan was soon appreciated for his knowledge of kickboxing and was appointed kickboxing coach. Ryan still finds himself occasionally competing, but his direction is aligned more toward instruction in kickboxing and personal training.
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Ryan Marcinkevich
Kickboxing Coach
Mitsuyo “Conde Koma” Maeda
→ Carlos Gracie, Sr.
→ Carlos “Carlinhos” Gracie Jr.
→ Ailson “Jucão” Henrique Brites
→ Jason Ratchford
→ Ryan Marcinkevich
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