Adam Healey began his grappling journey at 7 when he took up wrestling. Adam was quickly noticed for his skill– dominating on the mats at every age and level. As a student, Adam accumulated numerous awards and victories, including 3x Prep All-American, 6x State Place winner, and 2x State champion at Wyoming Seminary, where he graduated as the program’s all-time wins leader with 198 career victories. Adam soon found himself wrestling Division 1 at Bucknell University, where he competed frequently at the highest level of collegiate wrestling. After graduating, Adam continued with his passion for wrestling, becoming the assistant coach at his alma mater, Wyoming Seminary, and then collecting the title of Head Wrestling Coach at King’s College. Though he loved getting to coach the sport he practiced since childhood, Adam wanted to train himself. In 2021, Adam was introduced to our academy and has been with us since. Adam was recognized for his expertise and mounds of credentials in wrestling and became the Wrestling Coach at Pride Lands just a year later. Adam remains an active competitor, jumping at any opportunity to grow his jiu-jitsu skills in all major no-gi rulesets.
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Adam Healey
Wrestling Coach
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