Brody Dial began his martial arts journey in 2015. As a competitive athlete in high school, Brody was searching for ways to stay disciplined in athletics when he was soon introduced to Pride Lands. Brody was quickly devoted to our gym and has been with us since. With a passion for the sport, Brody dedicated himself to perfecting his craft; over the years, he climbed the ranks, avidly competed— collecting wins at all levels, including innumerable wins in expert-level divisions, and began instructing his own class. Brody competes less frequently now, as he prefers to focus on increasing his technique daily and directing his attention toward producing intelligible lessons for students of all skill levels.
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Brody Dial
Jiu-Jitsu Coach
Mitsuyo “Conde Koma” Maeda
→ Carlos Gracie, Sr.
→ Carlos “Carlinhos” Gracie Jr.
→ Ailson “Jucão” Henrique Brites
→ Jason Ratchford
→ Brody Dial
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