Welcome to Pride Lands MMA Academy
Established in 2009 by Jason Ratchford, Pride Lands began as a dedicated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) academy. BJJ is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting, emphasizing the skill of controlling an opponent through various submission techniques. Rooted in the tradition of Judo, practitioners often wear a gi, which facilitates unique submissions that utilize clothing grips and ranked belts. While we continue to offer Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes, Pride Lands has evolved to incorporate American Jiu-Jitsu (AJJ), reflecting the recent rise of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).
What is American Jiu-Jitsu?
American Jiu-Jitsu shares the same foundational techniques and objectives as BJJ but adapts to modern trends by focusing on submissions without the gi, allowing students to train in typical athleisure wear. At Pride Lands, we recognize the value of both Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and American Jiu-Jitsu as combat-tested self-defense systems designed to empower individuals, regardless of size, to defend against larger opponents.
Our program promotes lifelong lessons in personal discipline, self-confidence, and significant improvements in both physical and mental health.
Comprehensive Martial Arts Training
Over the years, Pride Lands has expanded its offerings to include striking disciplines such as boxing and kickboxing, which shares similarities with Muay Thai. This diverse curriculum caters to a wide range of goals—from those aspiring to fight professionally to individuals simply seeking to improve their fitness levels. As a result, our academy has embraced the branding of “Pride Lands MMA,” while maintaining our core focus on Jiu-Jitsu.
An Inclusive Environment
At Pride Lands, we strive to foster an inclusive environment for participants of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels. Whether you’re looking to get in shape, compete in formal competitions, cultivate discipline, or relieve stress after a long day, our academy offers men, women, and children the opportunity to learn valuable skills while building lasting relationships with instructors and fellow students.