While growing up, Daiqwon Buckley was a talented athlete who found himself constantly getting into fights at school. When his middle school principal took a different direction than most and encouraged him to try mixed martial arts, Daiqwon pushed the advice aside until he officially began his MMA training in 2011. He quickly fell in love with the sport and was pointed toward our gym in 2016. With natural athleticism and tenacity, Daiqwon became involved in amateur levels of cage fighting. He was noticed for his gift and began to take professional MMA fights, fighting under major global promotions. Daiqwon’s main focus is becoming the best father and fighter possible. He finds teaching an important aspect of his life, wanting to impart the knowledge he has learned to newcomers and create opportunities for future fighters. Daiqwon isn’t done competing either– he strives to continue gaining more professional fights to make his UFC debut.
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Daiqwon Buckley
MMA Coach
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